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发布时间:2023-11-20 15:56:04 admin 阅读:59

导读千与千寻的读后感英文? The cartoon movie. Chihiro and her mom and dad go into the talking house. Mom and Dad eat the unmanaged food and become two pigs. When chihiro confused, was a young white dragon, called back to drive. Chihi...


The cartoon movie.

Chihiro and her mom and dad go into the "talking house." Mom and Dad eat the unmanaged food and become two pigs. When chihiro confused, was a young white dragon, called back to drive.

Chihiro cries helplessly, but has to stay in the "soup house" to work, she encountered many difficulties in the process of work: such as soup mother-in-law frighten Chihiro to turn her into a pig; The bath keeper won't give Chihiro a bath card.

Among them, the faceless man is a good man, who helps Chihiro get the bath card, and later becomes a bad man because of environmental pollution. This also makes me understand: with good people good, with bad people bad. Just the same as ten million buy neighbors.

At the end of the story, Chihiro helps Haku find his name. And he saved his mom and dad. The overall ending is happy, but the whole film can also teach us a lot.

This movie is a reminder that we can never forget everything, and we can never remember it again









好的,请听我的回答。《疯狂动物城》1. 这部影片以一个现代化的城市为背景,展现了不同动物之间的友谊和团队合作的故事。它通过丰富多样的动物角色和精美细腻的图像呈现,引人入胜。2. 该片融入了许多教育性的元素,让观众在欣赏动画片的同时能够学到一些有益的知识。它讲述了共同梦想和超越种族隔阂的重要性,给人以启发。3. 不仅仅是童话故事的呈现,影片还注重了情节的发展和角色的塑造,让观众在观影过程中能够感受到情感的共鸣和角色的成长。综上所述,我推荐《疯狂动物城》作为一部好看的英文童话电影。它既有精彩的故事情节,又有教育性的内容,同时还具有绚丽多彩的动画画面。


01年的作品。《幽灵公主》制作公映后,宫崎骏原本以此部作品完成后即宣告封笔。但1999 年底,宫崎骏称其已复出,正开始制作《千与千寻》。音乐仍旧由久石让创作,脚本/ 原作/ 监督:宫崎骏,制作总指挥德间康快,制片铃木敏夫。同年高畑勋导演的《邻居家的山田君》公映。 2001 年7 月20 日,《千与千寻》在日本公映,引起巨大轰动,4天票房即达到近20 亿日元的天价。本土票房约300亿日元,超越了前作《幽灵公主》和电影《泰坦尼克号》。英文名定《Spirited Away 》,当年即全美全欧公映。2002 年2月17 日,《千与千寻》赢得52 届柏林电影节金熊奖。这是小金熊第一次授予给一位动画人和一部动画电影,而且为此破例准备了两只小金熊同时授予两部电影。

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